Allesya is my first valuable jewel borned 18 years ago. She's now all grown up and had just enrolled into a college in Ipoh. I have one kind of a special feeling towards her. The difficulties I had when she was a baby were so unforgettable. She was delivered 3 weeks ahead of schedule (considerably pre-matured) therefore her internal organs are not quite functional as yet. Borned with only weighing 1.65kg, she suffered from a tiny whole in the heart and her intestine is not connected to her stomach so doctor decided to undertake an operation when she was just 2 days old. Poor my lil girl...
Now, after 18 years of those sleepless nites, terrifying nightmares, horrified experiences, uncountable days at the hospital, I can now feel relieved of her already being a grown up and mature lady. I'm proud of her, am proud of her progress as a normal child from born to now, however it will be very difficult for us to forget those heart-wrenching moments we had in order to grow her up.
Anyway, wishing my Allesya all the best in her current studies in the local university. May all her dreams come true, Mama & Papa will always pray for your best..we luv u.